Cold & flu season


Please help us to maintain our commitment to the health and wellness of all who come through our doors by following a few common-sense precautions:

Don't come to class if you feel sick.
If you have any symptoms (coughing, sneezing, sniffles, sore throat, congestion, or particularly a fever), please do not come to the studio. We will happily extend your class pass (with a doctor's note) so that you can rest and heal at home. Membership pauses (2-week minimum) are always available.

Wash your hands.
Frequently wash your hands and avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. We always have hand sanitizer available.

Bring your own mat and/or props.
One simple way to avoid spreading germs is to use your own yoga mat (rather than borrowing one from the studio) and your own blocks/straps/bolsters if you have them. You may bring a king-sized pillowcase to use over the bolsters, and we always have a selection of mats available for purchase. We wash blankets regularly in hot water and spray bolsters with disinfectant spray, and we do this more often during the winter.

Carefully wipe down the props you use.
Please use the sanitary wipes we provide to thoroughly wipe down blocks, straps, and any other props, including mats, you may have borrowed.

Finally, please exercise extra caution if you have traveled to any regions noted in the CDC’s travel health notices; if you’ve been to one of these areas, please wait 2 weeks after your return before coming to the studio.

Thank you for offering compassion to yourself and others by following these simple precautions!